Hack.me: a new way to learn web application security

Thursday, November 21 • 1:00 pm - 1:50 pm

The Hack.me (https://hack.me) project is a worldwide, FREE for all platform where to build, host and share simple and complex vulnerable web applications. It's completely online and doesn’t require any software to be installed, just a web browser.

Users will be able to run and practice offensive techniques against always new vulnerable web applications provided by the community. Users will be able to practice the OWASP Top 10, testing CMS vulnerabilities,verifying the latest exploits. The vulnerable web applications, referred as hackmes, are run in a sandboxed and user-isolated environment provided by the Coliseum Framework.

We will show a typical use of the platform and some of the challenges, both technical and legal, faced by the project.

Armando Romeo


Armando Romeo is the founder of eLearnSecurity and co-author of Penetration Testing Course Professional and Web Application Penetration Testing Course. With a number of security advisories published with the Hackers Center Security Research Group and vulnerabilities found in Microsoft, Joomla, osCommerce, Invision and others, Armando has spent the first part of his career in web application security research. He currently serves as CEO of eLearnSecurity, inspiring and leading new R&D projects like Hera, Coliseum, and Hack.me developed in the eLearnSecurity labs in Pisa, Italy.