Michele Orru

Trustwave SpiderLabs
London United Kingdom

Biographical Sketch:
Michele Orru a.k.a. antisnatchor is an IT and ITalian security guy. Lead core developer of the BeEF project, he mainly focuses his research on application security and related exploitation techniques. He is one of the authors of Browser Hacker's Handbook, which will be out by late 2013 from Wiley. He is a frequent speaker at hacking conferences, including CONFidence, DeepSec, Hacktivity, SecurityByte, AthCon, HackPra, Semafor, Just4Meeting, OWASP AppSec USA, 44Con, EUSecWest, Ruxcon, ZeroNights and more we just can't disclose. Besides having a passion for hacking and being a Senior Spider (for Trustwave SpiderLabs), he enjoys leaving his Mac alone, whilst fishing on salted water and praying for Kubrick's resurrection.

Buried by time, dust and BeEF